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Welcome! I am Brian Skrobonja, ChFC®, CPWA®, SmartVestor for Dave Ramsey. I just received a message from Dave’s office that you requesting to speak with me.

I have worked with Dave and his team since Dec of 2010 and have spoken with THOUSANDS of his fans.

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In this video I will explain how we can get calibrated and get you taken care of.

Some come to us and just want to do what Dave suggests…baby step #4 or maybe a 529 plan using the 4 mutual fund types Dave talks about. If that is you, skip to the “Dave’s Plan” video.

For others, they would prefer to have a customized plan developed that is tailored to meet their unique needs. If that is you, skip to the “Personal Plan” video.

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I am going to quickly run through some Q&A for you so you can get all the Dave questions answered and then if you like what you hear we can move on to other important things you need to know.

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“Dave’s Plan”

This video is for those who are only interested in what Dave suggests…baby step #4 or 529 plan using the 4 mutual fund types Dave talks about.

Ready To Get Started?

“Personal Plan”

This video is for those who would prefer to have a customized plan developed that is tailored to meet their unique needs.

Ready To Get Started?